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Remote Controlled Car (RCC)

RC cars are commonly seen, but they are limited by radio range and vision.

My goal here is to remove these two constraints, thus unlocking many possibilities.


How I did it

3D Printing

Some are more useful than others, but here is one

Costco Rental Accelerator (2018)

Costco car rental provides great value, e.g. free cancellations and no hidden fees, but the user experience can sub-optimal in that searching for rental cars is limited at 4 locations maximum at a time, so this tools helps the best price around.

With a simple command line, prices can be shown across the location. If a good price is found, user can simply go back to the webpage and make the booking. If a better price is found, user can make the booking and cancel the earlier one.

Lego Tinder Bot v2 (2016)

Lego Tinder Bot v1 (2015)

Grabbie (2014)

It has not been available on Apple App Store for a while, but the idea is that when going from A to B, you can add another query in the middle, e.g. stop by a coffee shop.

It will then show you various options and their added time.

Back in 2014, it was originally inspired by me going out for hikes on weekends and wanted to find breakfast on the way.

The same idea was later adopted in google map where similar features can be found today.

Tech Stack

Front end - iOS
Backend - Server instance to serve re-route yelp API as the endpoint expects a fixed domain / IP.

Air Control Game, writtein in Smalltalk (2013)